Swiss Timing Medal for his contribution to the development of the Olympic Movement in Russia Sport Line at the Guild of bona fide suppliers
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Starting blocks

Starting blocks

Manufacturer: Swiss Timing

Model: Starting blocks

Category: Refereeing and timing systems for athletics

Dimensions (LxWxH) : 970 x 350 x 210 mm
Weight : 10 kg
Acoustic signals : False start : ~100 dB
Gun shot : ~90 dB
Connection : 1x Tuchel 4pMT
(for thrust sensors and loudspeaker)
Operating temperature : 0 to + 50°C
Storage temperature : —20 to +70°C

These sturdy starting blocks, made of aluminium and stainless steel, feature an extra large 120 x 263 mm non-slip adjustable footrest
for optimal stability, fully assisting the athletes’ performance. The loudspeaker transmits the starter’s instructions, the gunshot, and
the possible false start signal. The rest pressure is adjustable from 20 to 40 kg. The distance between the feet, as well as the foot's
start angle can be freely adjusted. Another handy feature is the control LED, providing indications during thrust sensor adjustments.

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